Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SEO For New Internet Home Business Opportunity

To get a picture, you can think the search engine as a human being. If a man you have never met, comes to you and say that he is your friend and ask you to listen, would you listen? Maybe not, because it sounds so strange.

It is the same with the search engines, if they do not know anything about you and your connections, they will not listen to you.

So there is a certain courting process, which a new internet home business opportunity site has to go through to get the acceptance from the search engines. When they learn to know your site, they will come to trust you and like you.

1. Build A Substantial Site.

The content is king, so before you even start planning the site design, do the content planning first. The first step is to prepare a list of keywords that are related and important for your internet home business opportunity.

When you have the keyword list, you can organize the content around these words so that they sit naturally in the copy.

This information architecture, how to make the information findable, manageable and useful, is the key process, because the site must have substance, a useful and SEO friendly content. The search engines try to think like their users, they prefer sites, which offer a good, original and fresh content on a regular basis.

2. Select Free Or Low Budget Web Site.

You can build a search engine friendly web site even with free or with a very low budget. For instance blogs, which are extremely search engine friendly, are free to set up. WordPress requires no modification to make it work for your needs, lots of custom templates are available. The side benefit of the blog is, that if you build a website on blogging platform, the blog functionality is built in.

As a tool for new internet home business opportunity sites, the blogging is an effective way to build depth and substance quickly. In the beginning, a proper promotion can drive targeted traffic to the site ( or blog ). If the content is useful, original and fresh, the site visitors will link to the site, so the new site will get backlinks, which means better ranking and direct traffic.

3. Basics On-Page Optimization: Title, Description And Meta Tags.

Title tags, description tags and meta keyword tags must be unique for every single page. A good rule is that maximum length of the title tag is 68 characters ( including spaces ), the job of meta description tag is to persuade the reader to click the link and the meta keywords are related to the content of that page. It is important to put the main keyword in the title, description, teaser and all over the body.

4.Get A Good Start, Buy Domain With Backlinks.

The search engines prefer old domain name vs. the new one, so one strategy to start your new internet home business opportunity site, is to buy an old domain with a history and lots of backlinks.

Now you can enjoy the immediate traffic by using 301 redirect the old domain to your new domain.

When you have built your new website, it is the time to get it listed in relevant directories and/or creating other methods to get enough backlinks.

What I have covered in this article is to help you to succeed with your new internet home business opportunity site, but it is just the start. You can see the successful SEO as an ongoing process, which takes months or years but, believe me, it is worth that.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. A New Web Site Needs A Powerful Start! I Invite You To Make A Short Visit To My Site To Find More Useful Information About SEO For Your Own Internet Home Business Opportunity Site.

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The Top 10 Secrets From Anthony Robbins

For more than 25 years US-based motivational speaker and success coach Anthony Robbins has been passionately pursuing the answers to questions such as 'What shapes human behaviour? And how can we create lasting change within oursleves and others?'.

He has spoken in front of more than 3 million people around the world and sold around 35 million books and audio coaching products.

After attending his 4-day 'Unleash The Power Within' seminar recently in Kuala Lumpur I learnt many strategies to perform at your best.

I even took part in his famous barefoot walk over hot coals. This powerful physical metaphor shows how anyone can overcome their deepest and greatest fears with focus, passion and desire.

Part rock concert, part learning experience, part aerobic workout, the seminar was attended by more than 4,000 people in a giant indoor sporting stadium that was built for the Commonwealth Games.

Standing 6'7", weighing 265 lbs and with a shoe size of 16, Robbins was impressive on stage as he harnessed the energy of the crowd.

In fact, security guards have to line the stage as he is regularly swamped by over eager fans.

At 43 years old, he has been enourmously successful and worked with people like President Clinton and Melson Mendela.

What was it like?

Hot, humid, high energy and simple take home messages packaged with a high-tech light, sound and video show.

I was impressed, motivated and got some great ideas from it.

Here is my gift to you. The Top 10 Secrets of Success I learnt from spending 4 days with Tony Robbins.


As the promotional material says the event was 'about creating breakthroughs, moving beyond fears and limiting beliefs, accomplishing goals and realizing true desires, turning dreams into reality, creating fulfilling relationships, and modeling the strategies of peak performers to produce a quantum difference in your life.'

If you cut out the hype, the simple message is if you believe in yourself enough you can achieve anything.

A memorable one-liner was "the only thing that's keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself".


Ask anyone and most people will admit they lack confidence in some areas of their life. The interesting thing I learnt from this seminar is that this self-doubt is around universal themes. These themes cross age, gender, religous, cultural and language barriers.

Common doubts include 'I am not good enough', 'I am lazy' and 'No-one loves me'.


Robbins calls it 'immersion' where you break old patterns and build new ones by repetition. He uses a lot of Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques to achieve this with his audiences.

He says "progress is not automatic".

A memorable moment in the seminar was when we had to visualize ourselves inside a bubble and inside that bubble was a series of videotapes neatly arranged in a time-line that represented all our memories in our lives so far. We had to pull out the negative videotapes and destroy them. This was followed by time spent visualising the future and how your life will look 10 and 20 years from now.


The Robbins message was that 3 things shape our self-belief. He calls them the Triad. These are our patterns of physiology, focus and language or meaning.

He highlighted this with the quote: "where focus goes energy flows".


Robbins believes you can "vanquish whatever is holding you back from taking action".

Walking barefoot across a bed of glowing coals is the physical metaphor he uses in his seminars to prove this point to the skeptics.

Eliminate negative self-belief and take massive action are his keys to success.


"Where focus goes energy flows" is a quote used by Robbins in his presentation to highlight why you need to know your outcome and why achieving this is a must.

But many people fail to take the next step. They delay, put off and find many reasons or excuses not to act.

Robbins believes "progress is not automatic" and "action is power". Take action, even if it is the wrong action. He says it is "never a failure if you learn something".


Robbins spent a fair amount of time in the seminar talking about and demonstrating interpersonal communication skills.

He used people from the audience to show how the process of "matching and mirroring" the non-verbal communication and body language of others can be a very powerful way to connect with people.

In essence, you create rapport by adopting the body language of the person you are communicating with.

He believes "rapport is power" and "total responsiveness is created by a feeling of commonality".

If you have learnt these techniques before and haven't used them for a while, I suggest it is time to dust them off and put them into action next time you are communicating with someone on a one-to-one basis.


Robbins believes that "to have an extraordinary quality of life you need two skills: the science of achievement (the ability to take anything you envision and make it real) and the art of fulfilment (this allows you to enjoy every moment of it)."

He says "success without fulfilment is failure".

Find your passion and purpose in life. My purpose is to make a difference in people's lives and use my gift as a speaker.


To gain improvements quickly and step up to a new level of achievement, Robbins believes learning from others who are the best in their field is the fastest way to achieve success.

He told the story of how he wanted to improve his tennis game and so employed Andre Agassi, the then number one ranked player to help him achieve this.

Who could you model yourself on?

"People's lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group," according to Robbins.


If you are not healthy - all of the above points are a waste of time.

Your health is determined and influenced by your lifestyle.

One major change I've made since the seminar is to eat a healthier diet and exercise more regularly.

As a speaker, my whole business depends on my ability to perform at a peak state. Like any professional athlete, the success of business is directly linked to my diet and health.

Take care of yourself, your body is ultimately your most important asset.

Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at

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